Girl at the lion d'or book cover

Mid-1930s, Northern France. A mysterious young girl named Anne Louvet arrives at the seedy Hotel du Lion d'Or in the small French town of Janvilliers. She is seeking a job and a new life, far removed from the injustices of her past. At the hotel, Anne meets the cultured, rich and married Hartmann and begins anaffair with the married Great War veteran, revealing her secrets, fears and hopes to him. From award-winning author Sebastian Faulks, Girl at The Lion d'Or is a powerful story of love and conscience, will and desire.

'Beautifully written and extraordinarily moving' The Sunday Times


Co-production with Trademark Films

Producers: David Parfitt

Co-Producers: Ivan Mactaggart

Book: Sebastian Faulks 

Script: Sebastian Faulks and Rachel Wagstaff

Director: Trevor Nunn


Status: In Development


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The Girl at the Lion D'Or

Girl at the lion d'or book cover

Red Joan



Humanoid_Cambridge Picture Company